Monday, 1 July 2013

Saliva microscopes

So after using the OvaCue monitor, I didn't yet realised that electrolytes in the body (saliva or cervical mucus) were not great markers of ovulation, so I bought a fertility microscope.

It sounds quite technical, but it looks like a tube of lip balm.

At the time, I read quite a bit about it, as I was getting a bit more sceptical about all of this...and found very compelling evidence. "98% accurate at telling when ovulation happens!" (I didn't do enough research!).

The theory is similar to that used by the ovacue monitor: when you ovulate, there is an increase in oestrogen levels ( before ovulation), which should happen around the same time as your LH surges (as measured by the ovulation tests). The salts (also known as electrolytes) increase in your body at the time the oestrogens increase, and that salt should be visible on the microscope.

As you can see on the photo, you are supposed to see inside it (against the light) patterns when your saliva dyes up on the slide. This is about as easy to do as reading the future in tea leaves!
It is convenient in the sense that you can use it at any time of the day, so it doesn't get in the way of baby making...but it is completely unreliable!

According to their website:
It is an easy-to-use, saliva-based ovulation test that allows you to predict ovulation with 98% accuracy – days in advance. It works by allowing you to identify your “estrogen surge”, the characteristic surge in estrogen that occurs before you ovulate. Ideal for women with both regular or irregular menstrual cycles, Fertile-Focus offers you a natural and affordable way to increase your chances of conception.*

I have not been able to find the study allowing them to claim 98% accuracy at detecting ovulation. A suspiciously commercial looking Doctor's website claims something slightly different: For women who are trying to conceive, Fertile-Focus is 98% accurate in aiding the prediction of fertile periods.
The accuracy claim is based on testing methodology (research on the saliva microscope testing method of ovulation prediction).**
To me it sounds like they have not run the tests on the product themselves and they are using someone else's studies... but I didn't find that either - so I cannot be sure!

Again, the online reviews are mixed:
"I was so excited about using one of these as I had never heard of them before and it sounded easier and more reliable than sticks (it's easy to get your hopes up with these things!). It's early days, as I have only been using for 3 months. What is odd is that for the past 2 months I have had positive readings from fertility test strips, but at the same time absolutely NO difference at all showing on the ovulation microscope results .. just dots and blobs, no sign at all of any "ferning!" How can that be? For me the microscope shows the same thing, day-in and day-out, just blobs and dots. I always use it first thing in the morning and let it dry thoroughly, but to no avail do I ever see "ferning"! Frustrating!" (BigRed on Amazon)

This lady on the video is more positive:

** Reference:

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