I have then heard about Fertility Friend on the Mumsnet forum, and I decided to try it out!
So I took my BBT thermometer out of the drawer, and started using it again.
This is what Fertility Friend claims to do:
Free Interactive Ovulation Chart: Pinpoint Your Fertile Days
Comprehensive Chart Analysis and Advanced Ovulation Detector
Fully Featured Ovulation Calendar: Your Cycles at a Glance
Dramatically Increase Your Chances of Conception
Caring Expert Support
Join Thousands of other Women with the Same Goal
The reality is that they have a great site with a lot of information, but the tool is not that good. If your temperature is variable, it will not be able to predict when you will be fertile and sometimes tell you that you ovulate on different days!
What they call a comprehensive chart analysis is true - you have lots of information to hand, but that only became useful after a few months of use.... to be fair I don't think that anyone wants to wait several months before something is useful.
The "dramatically increase the chance of conception" is a bit vague, and as they are not regulated by the FDA, I do not know if I want to trust their claim ( my understanding is that they can say what they like!).
Caring expert support - basically is a few women hanging on the forum and providing you with pseudo medical advice while being completely unqualified. I have been to my doctor with some of the comments for further advice, and he told me that this was not true. So I would take this with a pinch of salt!
I used it for several months and I didn't have a single cycle look like ever!
But that is a nice theory ;)
Mine looked more like the one of biogirl:
Fertility Friend, which is the app I am using to keep all my temps in order, does not see this chart as promising. When I click on 'Pregnancy Monitor' it informs me that it can't even be calculated because no ovulation was detected. When I click on 'Fertility Analysis' it gives me a red light and says "Probably Not Fertile". I realized later that is for the individual day, not for like my entire life. But still...it basically says it all. Probably not Fertile.
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